If you are interested in healthy living and a better world for people and animals, we welcome you to join the Vegetarian Society of East Tennessee. By doing so, you'll have the opportunity to spend time with other health-conscious folks and help us work for a healthier, kinder world. Paying annual dues helps fund our all-volunteer organization, though all events are open to members and non-members alike. Your support is needed and appreciated!
$25/ individual membership rate for one year
$40/ individual membership rate for two years
$15 / student or senior membership (age 60 and up) for one year
$28/ student or senior membership for two years
$40/ family membership for one year
$75/ family membership for two years
$300/ Lifetime membership --- free admission to all events for life
Dues go toward printing flyers, paying bills for the monthly cooking classes, facility rental, and disseminating vegetarian information to the general public.
Please make payment to "The Veggie Fund" and mail to Bob Grimac, 3961 Greenleaf Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37919.
Thank you!